
'^*$' => 'q',
'^http://.**results.*$' => 'q',
'^http://.*\*$' => 'searchfor',
'^*$' => 'q',
'^*$' => 'query',
'^*$' => 'va',
'^*$' => 'p',
'^*' => 'q',
'^*$' => 'query',
'^*$' => 'q',
'^*$' => 'query',
'^*$' => 'q',
'^*$' => 'p',
'^http://search.wanadoo.*$' => 'q'

$referer = getenv("HTTP_REFERER");

while( list( $regexp, $qsitem ) = each( $searchengines ) )
if( eregi( $regexp, $referer ) )
echo( t("

Search Engine Detected

It would appear you arrived here on the wings of a search engine, so, I will search my local database and show you anything that matches what you were looking for:
$url = parse_url( $referer );
$querystring = $url['query'];
$querystring = explode( "&", $querystring );
while( list( , $value ) = each( $querystring ) )
$item = explode( "=", $value );
if( $item[0] == $qsitem )
if( trim( $item[1] ) != '' )
$item[1] = urldecode( $item[1] );
echo ( search_data( $item[1] ) );

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